May 2009: WHO lowers criteria of “Pandemic” definition (NL►EN/ES/IT/NL)

Dutch Professor of pharmaceutical biotechnology Huub Schellekens predicted: “This way a pandemic will be declared for every single cold we have in the world”.

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Part of Reasonable doubtWHO? – Pandemic? – Vaccines? – New Normal? – WHY?Enough!

A 2010 documentary from dutch national television that looks back on the alleged pandemic of the N1H1 virus, the swine flu, of 2009. A lot of fuzz was made, but afterwards it turned out to be softest flu season ever in the Netherlands.

On June 11, 2009, for the first time in its existence, the WHO declared a pandemic for the N1H1 virus, the swine flu. Allegedly, this was only after lowering the standard one month earlier, in May by eliminating the high mortality rate criterion and the severity of the disease, thus maintaining only the condition of its spread in several countries.

According to the European Council’s speaker Paul Flynn this change was “crazy” and the Dutch Professor of pharmaceutical biotechnology Huub Schellekens predicts: “This way a pandemic will be declared for every single cold we have in the world”. Epidemiologist Dick Bijl assures that if the definition had remained as it was in 2005, the pandemic would never have been declared. May it be clear that the current Covid-19 pandemic has been declared under these same conditions.

Short timeline of the Swine Flu “Pandemic” of 2009 and how the WHO first seemed to have adapted the definition or their interpretation of  what a “Pandemic” actually is and having N1H1 fit into it.

  • 2005 – The definition of Pandemic would include the fact that “enourmous numbers of deaths” can be expected.
  • 24 April 2009 – a few first cases of flu in Mexico
  • xx May 2009 – according to the WHO N1H1 fits in, having lowered the standard by not considering an “enourmous numbers of deaths” condition. Many Medical Drs. both internally as externally of the WHO oppose to this.
  • 11 June 2009 – a secret commission within the WHO officially declares the Pandemic for N1H1 and thus triggers the obligation for all associated countries to buy vaccines for their population, making them spend billions of Euros, while none of the 2.500 WHO executives takes the vaccine for themselves…

This supposed swine flu pandemic is also treated in an italian documentary on national TV from 2020 which compares the 2009 situation with the current Covid-19 situation.

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When the WHO declares a pandemic, countries and governments have the obligation to buy vaccines.

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Part of Reasonable doubtWHO? – Pandemic? – Vaccines? – New Normal? – WHY?

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