6) Activists and Earth Protectors

Jojo Mehta (subtitles in EN, ES, IT, NL)

If you’re an activist…

…there is a special value to signing up
as an Earth Protector (at StopEcocide).

This campaign is based on a legal document…

…it’s an open trust fund to which you contribute
when you become and Earth Protector.

But that document has been validated legally
right across the world.

It carries weight in a court of law
and what it means is that:

if you find yourself in a criminal court
arrested for, let’s say, obstruction of the road…

…you can use this document to show
that you took peaceful action…

…as a conscienscious protector,
not as a criminal.

In other words you were acting to prevent harm,
not to cause it.

And because that document has legal weight,

…it enables you to express
what informed your conscience.

In other words, you can say WHY
you took the action you did.

Having come from an activist background myself,
I understand the value of that.

It’s the one thing we want.
It’s for those in positions of authority…

…to hear what we have to say
and why we’re taking action.

So it’s an added bonus for you
to sign up as an Earth Protector.


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