WHY? Reasonable doubt.
Why would the WHO declare a false pandemic and impose a new normal while waiting for vaccines as a supposed miracle solution to a problem that maybe doesn't even really exist?
Why would the WHO declare a false pandemic and impose a new normal while waiting for vaccines as a supposed miracle solution to a problem that maybe doesn't even really exist?
Reasonable Doubt WHO? - Pandemic? - Vaccines? - New Normal? - WHY? - ENOUGH! - Freedom♥ (unfortunately our video channels have been censored several times, working on recovery) The news from…
Most countries of the world went into lockdown and are now hurrying to find a vaccine because the WHO declared a 'Pandemic' for the Covid-19, as they mistakenly did for N1H1 in 2009.
What are your thoughts on a future Covid-19 vaccine?
Reasonable doubt: WHO? - Pandemic? - Vaccines? - New Normal? - WHY? - Enough! - Freedom♥ (unfortunately our video channels have been censored several times, working on recovery) WHO was…
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(EN, ES, IT, NL) "Why not switch to a globally more significant and inclusive way to count the years: Anno Homini! Based on the scientific estimation that Homo Sapiens started to see the light some 200.000 years ago."
How do you rate this video? Transcript of video nothing (yet) Original description Virólogo y premio nobel francés Luc Montagnier asegura que el virus fue manipulado en un laboratorio de…
¿Es real el covid-19 o es un fraude global? Una teoría para entenderlo todo. No estamos confinados a causa del virus. Estamos confinados a causa de lo que nos han CONTADO sobre el virus.
Subtitles: EN, ES, IT, NL... How do you rate this video? Highlights nothing (yet) Transcript of video nothing (yet) Original description nothing (yet) More... nothing (yet)