Reducing non-degradable plastics on the planet
Three stages can be identified in the reduction of non-degradable plastics, each step a bit closer to eliminating plastic on the Planet, although it may be hard to fully achieve this due to its (industrially) useful characteristics in many cases and its countless applications.
- Abandon single use plastics
It is already generally accepted that to begin with low quality single use plastics should abandoned. Many countries are actively preparing laws for this. Higher quality plastics for repeated use is already a step forward, even if not bio-degradable either. At least it’s better to use HQ a 100 times than to throw away LQ those same 100 times.
More than technological adaption this will need a drastic shift of mindset, from the now common throw-away mentality that arose in the seventies back to the former keep and re-use habit. A habit that would be wise to maintain, also when in a next step the HQ plastic can be substituted by degradables as soon as they become availabe. - Recycle non-degradable plastic
Research and development for the recycling of non-degradable plastics is essentially an issue of the industries in the sector. However, demand from the market has the potential to push the development in the most desired direction.
Andrew Forrest offers an interesting proposal in his TED talk (popup video) - Substitute non-degradable plastic
Any degradable alternative is an improvement, not necessarily just bio-degradable plastics but, in fact, natural materials themselves.
Many promising initiatives have already been taken and many more can be expected. It is just a question of time before a great deal of existing plastic will be repaced by degradable alternatives. Both for products that are fully made out of plastic or materials that are partially plastic like textile and clothing (e.g. silk, leather).
This too will require a change in mindset, in this case of the industry, giving more priority to the long term global goal of a healthy planet then the short term goal of lower costs and greater profits.
Also, there seems to be quite some confusion amongst the public about what (bio)degradability or compostability exactly means and this should be addressed.
Materials and products
Possible base materials
- banana
- cassava
- corn, maize
- grapes
- hemp
- lemons (IT – external)
- potatoes
- seaweed
- sugar beet
- sugar cane
From bioplastic out of seaweed to frames for glasses out of sugar beet, from dog toys out of potato starch to golf balls out of polylactic acid. (Volkskrant – NL 2016)
Possible end materials or products
- BOPP films
- Laminate
- Packaging
- Textile
Possible requirements
- degradability (time, conditions)
- containment
- barrier effect
- appearance
- transparency
- durability
- temperature resistance
- flexibility
- hardness/softness

Bioplastics market data Currently, bioplastics represent about one percent of the about 335 million tonnes* of plastic produced annually. But as demand is rising and with more sophisticated biopolymers, applications, and products emerging, the market is continuously growing.
According to the latest market data compiled by European Bioplastics in cooperation with the research institute nova-Institute, global bioplastics production capacity is set to increase from around 2.11 million tonnes in 2018 to approximately 2.62 million tonnes in 2023.
According to the latest market data compiled by European Bioplastics in cooperation with the research institute nova-Institute, global bioplastics production capacity is set to increase from around 2.11 million tonnes in 2018 to approximately 2.62 million tonnes in 2023.

9 reasons to refuse single-use plastic - Less Plastic
See our full range of infographics with lots more tips for reducing plastic in your personal life and in the workplace. Single-use plastic is everywhere. In a matter of mere decades, it has seeped into every corner of our lives. We are addicted to the convenience of single-use plastic. Although, whe…
Bio-degradable alternatives for non-degradable plastics?

Processed banana leaves, an eco-friendly packaging solution | Bio Based Press
Banana leaves are the traditional packaging material in Asia. But they quickly wear down. A young inventor now has processed and enhanced them.

Pure liquid silk | Bio Based Press
Liquid silk is used as a coating on cotton, wool and polyester. This much improves the quality of these materials.

Biobased leather | Bio Based Press
Biobased leather (leather made from vegetal resources) is a growing market. Two companies recently came up with a new product on this market.

Tree bark: an untapped resource | Bio Based Press
Bark from pines and other trees are interesting resources for medicines and wood preservation. But much research needs to be done on extration methods.
resource. It consists of several layers, each with their products. It contains anti-microbial and anti-oxidant compounds that could be used as preservatives. Prospective medicines and flavourings. Raw materials for adhesives, insulating materials and water purification. But only recently has industrial interest sparked in doing something useful with bark.
resource. It consists of several layers, each with their products. It contains anti-microbial and anti-oxidant compounds that could be used as preservatives. Prospective medicines and flavourings. Raw materials for adhesives, insulating materials and water purification. But only recently has industrial interest sparked in doing something useful with bark.
Companies and products
Maeko is a naturally conscious company!
Natural fibers and eco-friendly yarns are becoming increasingly significant both in the apparel and home textile industry.
By respecting the environment, such fibers guarantee a perfect match between well-being and a sustainable supply chain.
By respecting the environment, such fibers guarantee a perfect match between well-being and a sustainable supply chain.
News from 2018 and newer

2019/04 - What solutions are companies using to beat plastic packaging? | Foodspark
New materials are emerging as ways to tackle the plastic problem, made from everything from leftover plant pulp to the shells of marine animals.
News from 2017 and older

2015/05 - Bioplastics are the future | Bio Based Press
Bioplastics can deliver excellent and sustainable packaging solutions, even with difficult products like laminates.

Industrial meat production is killing our seas. It’s time to change our diets
America’s addiction to cheap meat, fed on corn and soy in vast indoor factories, comes at a high cost to our own health and that of the planet
La web del cáñamo industrial y el cánnabis terapéutico.
La web de las empresas del sector del cáñamo industrial y el cánnabis terapéutico. Asociaciones, bancos de semillas, grows shops..

Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente della Lombardia
Prevenzione e protezione dell’ambiente: lotta all’inquinamento atmosferico e acustico, tutela delle acque, monitoraggio dei campi elettromagnetici, indagini sulla contaminazione del suolo e sulle bonifiche
Biodegradabilità e compostabilità, Italia. Aziende.

2019/07 - Foglie di banano come packaging, negozi plastic free e prodotti sfusi: tutte le novità della lotta alla plastica - Il Fatto Alimentare
La lotta alla plastica continua e si arricchisce di nuove idee. In Asia sta prendendo piede la soluzione forse più originale: foglie di banano per impacchettare frutta e verdura

07/2018 - Aperto a Parigi “Negozio Leggero”, filiale della catena italiana di soli prodotti sfusi. 1.500 prodotti senza packaging e con il vuoto a rendere - Il Fatto Alimentare
Con il motto “la spesa è più leggera senza imballaggi”, ha aperto a Parigi la prima filiale in Franc

Contro l’inquinamento c’è EarthBi: ecco la bio-plastica ecosostenibile
Il problema dell’inquinamento da plastica è sempre più incalzante. Per questo motivo la start up green italiana, EarthBi, ha brevettato una rivoluzionaria bioplastica biobased e biodegradabile...

Imballaggi in plastica, imballaggi in bioplastica, come riconoscerli | Dicheplastica6
Imballaggi in plastica, imballaggi in bioplastica: riconoscerli e differenziarli è molto importante per non comprometterne il riciclo. Scopri come fare.

Bioplastica made in Italy, storia di un successo
Alcuni tra i brevetti più innovativi nell’uso di sostanze vegetali, come il Mater-bi ricavato dai cardi coltivati in Sardegna, sono stati ottenuti dalla chimica verde italiana

Ambiente: Nasce bioplastica tracciata su blockchain - Criptovalute news
‘EarthBi’ è biodegradabile e brevettata (ANSA)

12 startup che stanno investendo nella lotta alla plastica - Wired
In Italia e all estero imprese innovative stanno sviluppando idee per abbandonare i derivati del petrolio e sostenere imballaggi più puliti e facili da riciclare

Bio-on | Turn Off Pollution
Una nuova generazione di poliesteri biodegradabili ad alte prestazioni, ottenuti da co-prodotti o scarti dello zucchero.

Bioplastica dalla CO2. In Italia il primo stabilimento produttivo - LifeGate
Sarà inaugurato nel 2019 e produrrà plastica completamente biodegradabile a partire da biomassa e da CO2 atmosferica. Utilizzando per il processo solo energia rinnovabile.

Novamont S.p.A. - Chimica Vivente per la Qualità della Vita
In Novamont promuoviamo un modello di Bioeconomia incentrato sull’uso delle risorse e sulla rigenerazione territoriale. Il Mater-Bi® è la nostra innovativa famiglia di bioplastiche biodegradabili e compostabili.

Natur-World Spa - Prodotti in bioplastica
Natur-World è un’azienda innovativa nel campo della progettazione, sviluppo e realizzazione di prodotti in bioplastica. Le nostre bioplastiche garantiscono i vantaggi delle plastiche tradizionali pur essendo totalmente eco-friendly.

Sostenibilità - Natur-World Spa
Natur-World si impegna da sempre a rispettare l’ambiente, grazie alla continua ricerca l’azienda si è posta come obiettivo primario lo sviluppo di prodotti che conciliano una sempre migliore qualità con la minimizzazione dell’impatto ambientale.

Bioplastica dalla canapa per cambiare il mondo: nasce la Hemp Plastic Company - Canapa Industriale
La più grande azienda produttrice di CBD in USA insieme ad un’azienda di imballaggi, produrrà bioplastica di canapa su vasta scala peril mercato globale

About Us - Hemp Plastic
We are leading the way to a greener future with the development and distribution of premium biodegradable plastic polymers. Find out more.
Assolombarda - Horizon 2020: le opportunità per le imprese
Una selezione delle opportunità offerte dall’iniziativa Bio-Based Industries (BBI)
Aziende e prodotti

Maeko Tessuti
Maeko, realizza tessuti naturali di alta qualità a filiera controllata e partecipa allo sviluppo di un’economia sostenibile amica della natura e nel rispetto dell’ambiente e dell’individuo.
I filati di canapa, ortica, soia, crabyon, bambù, lino, cotone biologico, Yak e lane certificate, vengono lavorati in una storica Tessitura della provincia di Torino, da tecnici esperti ed immessi nel mercato dell’abbigliamento e dell’arredamento internazionale.
I filati di canapa, ortica, soia, crabyon, bambù, lino, cotone biologico, Yak e lane certificate, vengono lavorati in una storica Tessitura della provincia di Torino, da tecnici esperti ed immessi nel mercato dell’abbigliamento e dell’arredamento internazionale.

Foglie di banano da imballo – Bozzol
Foglie di banana come imballaggi naturali!
La natura ha avuto milioni di anni per trovare soluzioni di imballaggio naturali perfette: disegni brillanti realizzati con elementi semplici come acqua, sole e sostanze nutritive che mantengono i carichi umidi, proteggono il carico durante il trasporto e i…
La natura ha avuto milioni di anni per trovare soluzioni di imballaggio naturali perfette: disegni brillanti realizzati con elementi semplici come acqua, sole e sostanze nutritive che mantengono i carichi umidi, proteggono il carico durante il trasporto e i…

EarthBi, arriva dall’Italia la nuova plastica biodegradabile e tracciabile tramite blockchain
La plastica biodegradabile e tracciabile potrebbe diventare un marchio di fabbrica prettamente italiano. Come? Grazie al progetto EarthBi.

E’ italiana la plastica che salverà il mondo
ROMA Risolvere una volta per tutte il problema dell’inquinamento mondiale causato dalla plastica, nel pieno rispetto delle normative vigenti, senza cambiare le nostre abitudini quotidiane e senza alterare gli equilibri dei mercati. Un progetto ambizioso, quasi ut...

Questa bioplastica è ecosostenibile e tracciabile grazie alla blockchain
EarthBi è una bioplastica sviluppata e brevettata in Italia che vuole contribuire alla riduzione dell’inquinamento ambientale causato dalla plastica
Bio-degradable alternatives for oil-based plastic

Bewerkte bananenbladeren, milieuvriendelijk verpakkingsmateriaal | Bio Based Press
Een jonge Indiase uitvinder is erin geslaagd bananenbladeren te bewerken tot een verpakkingsmateriaal dat drie jaar houdbaar is. En dat totaal biologisch afbreekbaar is.

Boomschors: een ongebruikte grondstof | Bio Based Press
Boomschors is een potentieel rijke grondstof voor medicijnen en conserveringsmiddelen. Maar veel onderzoek is nodig aan extractiemethoden.
Schors bevat antibacteriële stoffen en antioxidanten die kunnen worden gebruikt als conserveringsmiddelen. Als nieuwe medicijnen en smaakstoffen. Grondstoffen voor lijmen, isolatiemateriaal en waterzuivering. Maar de industriële belangstelling voor boomschors als grondstof is nog maar jong.
Schors bevat antibacteriële stoffen en antioxidanten die kunnen worden gebruikt als conserveringsmiddelen. Als nieuwe medicijnen en smaakstoffen. Grondstoffen voor lijmen, isolatiemateriaal en waterzuivering. Maar de industriële belangstelling voor boomschors als grondstof is nog maar jong.
News from 2018 and newer
Always updated - Groene Grondstoffen
Pure vloeibare zijde
Biobased leer
Bewerkte bananenbladeren, milieuvriendelijk verpakkingsmateriaal
Biobased leer
Bewerkte bananenbladeren, milieuvriendelijk verpakkingsmateriaal
News from 2017 and older

2015 - Bioplastics hebben de toekomst | Bio Based Press
Bioplastics kunnen uitstekende en duurzame verpakkingen geven, zelfs bij moeilijke producten als laminaten.
Plastics uit aardolie zijn aan het eind van hun leerperiode, zij kunnen niet veel beter meer worden.
Plastics uit aardolie zijn aan het eind van hun leerperiode, zij kunnen niet veel beter meer worden.
2016 - Plantaardig plastic heeft nog een lange weg te gaan
Kunststoffen uit plantaardige grondstoffen zijn er al, maar ze kunnen nog niet concurreren met het traditionele plastic.

2015/2016 - 12 redenen waarom bioplastics heel belangrijk worden voor Nederland
Toen wij 12 jaar geleden bio-plastic aan ons assortiment toevoegden, waren veel mensen sceptisch. Onlangs meldde het NOS-journaal dat de bioplastic industrie enorm belangrijk gaat worden voor onze economie. Tevens zien we steeds mooie duurzame verpakkingsoplossingen voorbij komen. Het tij is aan het…
Waterschappen gaan door met ontwikkeling duurzame bioplastics | Scheldestromen
Vijf waterschappen hebben een financiële bijdrage toegezegd aan een demo-installatie voor de productie van een volledig afbreekbaar bioplastics uit afvalwater. Deze installatie moet in 2021 draaien. De waterschappen leveren hiermee een bijdragen aan de beoogde circulaire economie in 2050.
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