WPUF post dopo trasloco
Post veloce. Prima prova di post con Europa.is su Tunda.
Post veloce. Prima prova di post con Europa.is su Tunda.
Want to write a BLOG? Easy content creation with text, inline images and also inline gallery at Europa.is.
Adding same inline image as featured image. Do they get duplicated in WP media?Let's have a look...NOPE! ;)edit link - and check if redirect ok after editing
It seems some errors I ran into have to do with editing pages that were NOT originally created through WPUF but through WP backend itself... Maybe they should not appear in my Dashboard (even if users suposedly will not ever enter in backend, but you never know).
Last things to do for "Good Enough For Now" Avoid the double and triple lightboxes - DONE! - de-activate WP Ocean incorporated lightbox (how to do) - stop Simple Lightbox…
Easily create your Blog at Europa.is. With inline images and videos that open in the same lightbox gallery. And also an a photo album, also inline but with its own independent lightbox gallery.
Coronavirus may only be the messenger, just a symptom of a greater disease. Maybe we should see it as a wake-up call and try to learn its lesson to emerge…
(edit) Trying out Opa Jaap's WP Photo Album Plus, while at the same checking use of this website's funtionality. WP Questions on the fly to Opa Jaap for possible use…
(manually added edit link)UPG WP-post created through:https://europa.is/try-upg-front-end-form/to be able to use WP site wide categories and tags -> to create blogsUnfortunately:Only one image at the time, so impossible to create…