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Trying WP Photo Album Plus


Trying out Opa Jaap’s WP Photo Album Plus, while at the same checking use of this website’s funtionality.

WP Questions on the fly to Opa Jaap for possible use on this website:

Creating personal photo album 

  1. first main Photo Album “Fridays For Future” (FFF)
  2. question 01: in these times (mainly smartphone) maybe nicer to avoid scrolls and more so scroll within scroll?
  3. question 02: couldn’t this description area go with rich text editor?
  4. creating album (link, although probably not accessible)
  5. result: staying on the same page (apparently under “Default” not under FFF)

Creating first sub-album (intended for FFF, but not clear)

  1. (forgot to copy question text, will past in later 😉 )
    Questions WPQ 03: just created first main album (FFF) but I stay on the same page under my Default photo album. Am I creating this new sub-album under (FFF Milano) under “Default” or can I assign it to FFF later somehow? (I think it would be better to have jumped to the newly created FFF album or at least have an indication that I’m there, if that’s the case…)
  2. I sse “View album 1” link (not title???)
    turns out to be FFF album
    opens up within the small scroll window… (I think better on top or in lightbox)
  3. Supposed Subalbum “FFF Milano”s text is added to main album text
  4. probably should repeat creating subalbum here, now for real
  5. went into edit album description to delete extra text (actually: cut, to paste to subalbum – see point 1) but wasn’t able to
  6. hit edit description, I say in the same (small) scroll box…
  7. Scrolling down by accident I ‘discover’ text edit area. Now I can cut 🙂
  8. Save, back to FFF album info in scroll box and… Text didn’t change!??
  9. Help!!! too much stuff, clicks and scrolls to keep track!!!
  10. Oops… long description (somehow I thought for album again) goes with all 6 pictures
  11. I stay in the same small scroll box… Start wondering how my album actually looks like and where it is. Also whether or not I really create the main album FFF… hope to find out soon
  12. Anyway, so I still seem to be in “production” area, now what do I do, where do I go?

I now discover album FFF somehow seems not to have been created, but “FFF Milano” yes and under it “Week 72” also.

All the former was not very easy to understand (intuitive/userfriendly) or fast, but it works! (in fact the reason why I am trying, it seems robust and stable)
I guess it must be overcomable with some shortcuts and adapted explanations, maybe more graphical.

Creating second sub-album to see how they display

  • Still in the same scroll on the same page
  • Created sub album, in the box I still see FFF Milano (not the new sub-album week 73)
  • Clicking FFF Milano I expect to see a listing of the two sub-albums I just created: Week 72 and Week 73, but I only see 72…. ??? Starting to get confused…
  • I now would like to go to a place where I can see what I created… it’s not clear anymore. I would expect (and want!) something like:
    Riccardo’s albums:
    – Fridays For Future
    — FFF Milano
    —— Week 72
    —— Week 73
    Each possibly with short description and thumbnail of “Featured Image” (which is also the source for thumbnail for social sharing: Telegram and unavoidably Wat Sap and FB as well)
    Of course with the Intention to be able to send participants and visitors directly to any one of the levels to watch, or to add their foto’s too (being of the same group, but that’s yet another question)
  • Final sensation for now…
    “So what have I actually produced?” and
    “Where can I see it in it’s final stage (for visitors)?” In other words, where is the link or button(s) that says: “See your album(s)”

I leave it here for now, 2 hours… (not as much as tryouts with sooooooooooooo many other WP plugins where I only got half way or discovered they did not serve my needs)

Dear Opa Jaap

I have written this on the fly for my own “administration” (I’ve gotten so confused and forgot what I had been trying with all those other plugins, that I decided to do this) but also as feedback for you, because I perceive you do this with great dedication and attention.

Since I am tired and frustrated with trying out all these WP plugins I skipped all protocols and just wrote impulsively. Please excuse if it sounded unfriendly. I am not;) and don’t mean to be. But I did want to go as fast as possible because of this feeling of constantly loosing time.

Anyway I hope it serves, both for you and for me. Maybe we get to discuss this some day. 🙂

Warm greetings from Milano,

below the UPG-button to add images (one by one, unfortunately)

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