You are currently viewing Ecocide is a Crime against humanity! Act now for the “new normal” to be green! Protect Nature and Climate.

Ecocide is a Crime against humanity! Act now for the “new normal” to be green! Protect Nature and Climate.

Mass destruction of nature (Ecocide)
should be
a Crime against Humanity!

Greta said it recently and StopEcocide has been working on it since 2017.
If you agree with this, then sign up and become an Earth Protector
so you will actively participate in making this happen faster.
(short explanation in the video below – refresh if it doesn’t start right away)


1. Join StopEcodide
to actively make Ecocide
a crime against humanity as soon as possible

2. Take a selfie with your certificate
and share it here to be together

3. Share also on fb, twitter and such
with reference
to invite more people ♥

Compartiendo fotos con certificado :)

To upload your photo here, just hit the green button below the pictures:
– Title: your name if you want
– Category: please leave it on Fridays For Future
– Tag: your city, country (in your language)
Sharing and showing our collective and combined commitment is a strong extra step for Fridays For Future, for StopEcocide and for our Earth.



Exactly the law Greta and Fridays For Future are asking for

StopEcocide is paving the way to establish an International Law against Ecocide, exactly the kind of law that Greta and Fridays For Future are asking for. The initiative was started in 2010 by late Polly Higgins and is now taken forward by Jojo Mehta (second video 3 min, subs: EN, ES, FR, NL) and the international StopEcocide team. All information on www.StopEcocide.earthEspañolNederlands – Italiano in atesa…

Once the Ecocide law is in place, it will unlock the full potential of all environmental and climate movements, large and small, across the globe.” Jojo Mehta


Towards a wiser global society?

The lockdowns are granting a unique period of reflection to all of us, individually, collectively and globally.
And if you also have reached the conclusion:

  • that humanity cannot go back to “business as usual”,
  • that we have to enter this “new” normal as a wiser and greener world society,
  • and that the first step is taking better care of Nature, Climate and our Earth on a global scale

you will be happy to know that StopEcocide is already working on this and that you can be an active part to achieve it sooner. Signing up only takes two minutes for name, email and city. The small contribution starting at only five euro is just once but you’ll be an Earth Protector for life! It’s more than just a nice name, it is an official title that is legally recognized in most countries of the world and confirmed by the certificate you will receive and could even serve in legal cases.


The strongest possible gesture for a green “new normal”!

Signing up to support the International Ecocide Law and showing it all togehter is the strongest possible gesture we can send to all those authorities, institutions, decision-makers and people in power that we try to reach every single Friday and in every global strike. Because it shows them:

#FFF acts!
especially for the “new normal”

This is powerful! This goes one step further than protesting and raising awarenes. This is contributing together to really creating the Global Law we all want! This is truly taking a concrete and important step towards the wiser and better global society which we actually protest for all Fridays: For Future!


Thank you ♥

About me:
following Polly Higgins since 2015
Protector of the Earth since 2017
FFF Milano since Global Climate Strike 1, 2019

Greta and Polly - Ecocide is a Crime against Humanity

Polly Higgins - StopEcocide, Stroud


Some videos, may they serve as reference 🙂

Compilation in which various personalities explain why it is necessary to give rights and defend our planet Earth.

Greta Thunberg: “Our house is on fire!” (2018).
Carl Sagan: “Our small planet is facing a critical branchpoint in history.” (1980!)
Polly Higgins: “How is it that we haven’t criminalized mass damage and destruction to the Earth?” (2015)
Baltasar Garzón: “Let’s make it unprofitable to attack the Planet.” (2015)
Pepe Mujica: “We are engulfed by the ‘god’ market.” (~ 2015)

Compilation in which various personalities explain why it is necessary to give rights and defend our planet Earth.


Remember that we have to act NOW and that we have to act drastically!
Our house is on fire NOW! #WTF2050?


The wise words of Carl Sagan 1980, already 40 years ago! With special attention to his reference to Supersticion, Greed and Stupidity… Can we finally leave them behind now?


Also wise words in this universal message from #LISTEN – STOP!


Above all, keep on Staying Alive with DiscObedience!
Fridays For Future Milano first anniversary.


Polly and Jojo 2018
“Unleash the potential of all movements for nature, climate and the planet!



Disclaimer: is just a personal website and still under development. I simply put it at the disposal of Fridays For Future and everybody “as is”. I take no other responsibility than for my own posts. I can’t give any guarantee beyond the standard security of WordPress but I collect no data and participation is totally voluntary, although recommended 😉 Improving structure for easy finding, sharing and watching is constant work in progress.

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