You are currently viewing FFF Milano in Piazza – week 80

FFF Milano in Piazza – week 80

Week 80 (-16) – 2020/02/28 | see full FFF Milano “in Piazza” Timeline
This Friday… unfortunately strike was not allowed because the Corona virus is now declared a greater emergency than climate breakdown by the WHO and MSM. In Italy it has fully monopolized TV and news, had people empty the supermarkets and forced other shops, bars and restaurants to close. Many of the smaller family-owned outlets may not survive this, which on a long term will only benefit the larger businesses and multinationals.

Fridays For Future Milano insists that the REAL emergency is the Climate! The world will also need to act now and even more and better for the Climate Crisis. 

The REAL emergency is the climate!


Fridays For Future Milanoin Piazza every single friday since 14 December 2018!
– on PIazza della Scala in front of the Palazzo Marino City Hall of Milano
– generally from 12:30 – 14:00.
We will be happy to meet and greet you in piazza! 🙂 ♥



((public) Development observations)

  • 20/03/2020 – 12:35: UPG-attach OK! – WPUF link, OK!
  • 20/03/2020 – 16:10: UPG-attach OK! – WPUF link, OK!
    added collage pictures throught UPG-attach, still going strong!!
    editing this through WPUF edit link.
  • 27/03/2020 – 18:04 WPUF link, ERROR!!
    this was after having entered through backend by accident though…
    so, still need to see how it goes if only entering through WPUF itself.
    Rescuing from backend now. Eliminating WPUF edit link.
    also problems going to original URL, changes primary category, see if that helps

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