Climate Breakdown appears to be the most urgent threat our planet and humanity are facing and indeed an emergency.
Ecocide should be a Crime against humanity! Act for real and sign up now to StopEcocide for the "new" normal to be green! Protect Nature, Climate and our Earth.
The IPCC is a group of around 2.000 highly qualified and internationally recognized climate experts, who have been specifically selected to investigate and monitor Climate Breakdown.
At COP 21 in Paris (Conference Of the Parties on 12 December 2015) UNFCC parties (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) reached an agreement to combat the Global Climate…
Tens of millions of people all over the world are aware that Climate Breakdown is most probably the world's greatest threat and, in fact, an emergency.
Just before the beginning of 2020 Urgenda foundation wins the climate case against the very state of the Netherlands, to reduce emission of greenhouse gasses.