Polly offers a solution: International Ecocide Law
a law to turn Ecocide into an international crime against humanity (by the International court of Justice). Ecocide is the large scale destruction of our Earth, nature or climate.
Official website: StopEcocide.org (EN)
StopEcocide Nederland: StopEcocide.nl
Español: Protectores de la Tierra
Video transcription
Greta: Our house is on Fire! Polly: Our house needs an Ecocide Law!
25 April 2020 Global Climate Strike 5!
This ongoing inaction…
…of people in power…
…and the companies responsible…
…will in the future, no doubt,
…be remembered…
…as a crime against humanity.
We are legally advising on ECOCIDE CRIME…
…to become an international crime at the International Criminal Court.
ECOCIDE is: the extensive damage, destruction to or loss of ecosystems.
Existing law does not go far enough in terms of stopping serious harm,
….ecological harm and climatic harm. We are talking about criminal law here,
…so you’re looking at CEO’s, directors, ministers, heads of state…
…who can be held to account within an international criminal court.
We will make sure that…
…they will not get away with it any longer!
Government and corporate individuals are recklessly disregarding…
…their ecological and climate responsibilities.
As a lawyer I know there is a missing crime!
To criminalize serious harm to our Earth is to make Ecocide a crime.
(( it’s a crime against humanity ))
It is a crime that shall protect communities…
…from the worst excesses of ecological and climate ecocide.
Putting this crime in place is a game changer on a global scale.
And it will take all those who care to make it happen.
As a lawyer I have spent years mastering my brief, asking…
«How can we best safeguard our Earth?»
Now I have created an Earth Protectors Trust Fund.
The campaign that we put in place is to invite people to actually…
…put money into our Earth Protectors Trust Fund…
…to help fund taking ecocide law forward.
That document means that you are now signed up…
…as a Trustee of the Earth and you can use that in court as documentary evidence…
…to show that you are not just saying that you are a conscientious protector.
That document itself is cogent evidence to say:
«I am seeking to have the law changed to protect the Earth.»
…to prevent what could be the most catastrophic disaster of our time.