Fridays For Future Milano – Titta

Titta explaines why she is with FFF Milano.

I am Titta, I’m an activist
of Fridays For Future Milano…

…and this is the umpteenth friday
that we are here on Scala Square.

I’m here because
I love this planet.

The climate changes…

…are substantially shortening
our existence on this planet.

For me, we have no more time,
it’s essential to act now…

…and specially understand
that we have to act,

….that we have to change
our habits of living.

The scientists tell us
that we don’t have ten years anymore…

…but that we have 18 months.

So we have to do all the possible
to fight the climate changes,

…to fight fossile fuels,

….to achieve that biodiversity
stays intact…

…for ourselves, for the future generations
and also for the older generations.

It’s a fight that involves all,
from the smallest to the biggest.

Let’s unite and get out on the street!
Let’s meet from 20 – 27 September ?

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