A hidden crime. ES documentary that debunks the false pandemic. (ES)

Recognized doctors, lawyers and journalists in Spain are in direct opposition to the official version and health measures adopted by the government and the WHO regarding the Coronavirus crisis. (ES) Censored by Google/Youtube and Vimeo.

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Fantastic documentary by experts that perfectly explains what is happening before the amazed eyes of many without them being able to react because of the incredulity of this absurd situation.

  • Professor in clinical processes and diagnostics: maría josé martínez albarracín
  • Journalist and director of discovery salud magazine, jose antonio campoy
  • Lawyer and health care provider, luis miguel de ortega
  • Doctor and physician: natalia prego

Fantástico documental de expertos que explica a la perfección que está ocurriendo ante la asombrosa mirada de muchos sin que sean capaces de reaccionar por la incredulidad de esta absurda situación.

  • Catedrática en procesos y diagnósticos clínicos: maría josé martínez albarracín
  • Periodista y director de la revista discovery salud, jose antonio campoy
  • Abogado y sanitario, luis miguel de ortega
  • Dra y médico: natalia prego


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