20 videos found ITALY COURT SENTENCE: The state of emergency and the limitations of constitutionally protected rights may not be further extended in time beyond December 30, 2021. 24 views Corona Crisis,Freedom Enough!,Freedom♥ ITALY COURT SENTENCE: The state of emergency and the limitations of constitutionally protected rights may not be further extended in time beyond December 30, 2021. Manifestatie tegen the “Great Reset” Bern 28/11/2021 15 views Corona Crisis,News,The new normal? Enough!,Freedom♥ Manifestatie tegen the “Great Reset” Bern 28/11/2021 Advocaat Cristina Armas: zelfs rechters worden wakker. 137 views Corona Crisis Enough!,Freedom♥,WHY? Advocaat Cristina Armas: zelfs rechters worden wakker. Reiner Fuellmich Update: We are starting to win in Courts! [EN] 197 views Corona Crisis,Reiner Fuellmich Enough!,Freedom♥ Reiner Fuellmich Update: We are starting to win in Courts! [EN] Dit is extreem gevaarlijk voor onze democratie. (clip 2min. – EN/NL) 26 views 2 - Vrijheid van meningsuiting,Corona Crisis Enough!,Freedom♥,Transparency Dit is extreem gevaarlijk voor onze democratie. (clip 2min. – EN/NL) Zeer betrouwbare bloedtest (IgG/IgM) toont: bijna 80% geen last van Covid gehad. 73 views Corona Crisis,The new normal? Freedom♥ Zeer betrouwbare bloedtest (IgG/IgM) toont: bijna 80% geen last van Covid gehad. World Wide Demonstration for Freedom ♥ Japan 25 views Freedom♥ World Wide Demonstration for Freedom ♥ Japan World Wide Demonstration for Freedom ♥ – Australia 13 views Freedom♥ World Wide Demonstration for Freedom ♥ – Australia World Wide Demonstration for Freedom ♥ – Argentina 11 views Freedom♥ World Wide Demonstration for Freedom ♥ – Argentina THE BIG RESET MOVIE (ES►EN/ES/IT/NL 20min.) 644 views Corona Crisis,Plandemic,Robert F. Kennedy,Vaccines Enough!,Freedom♥,The Great Reset THE BIG RESET MOVIE (ES►EN/ES/IT/NL 20min.) World Wide Demonstration for Freedom ♥ – Milano 93 views fr,Freedom♥ World Wide Demonstration for Freedom ♥ – Milano World Wide Demonstration for Freedom♥ Bologna 45 views Freedom♥ World Wide Demonstration for Freedom♥ Bologna 12»Page 1 of 2 Geef een reactie Reactie annulerenJe moet ingelogd zijn om een reactie te plaatsen.