Kary Mullis, Cancel Culture and Covid 19 – Dr. Sam Bailey

Kary Mullis is the inventor of the PCR test and he got the Nobel Prize for it.

Fortunately, he was not the typical scientist obsessed with being acknowledged or following protocols, he just wanted to do good science. So he felt and was free to speak out on Anthony Fauci and the whole US medical system, who were not at all happy with Kary.

Unfortunately he died just a few months before the oubreak of the Wuhan-virus, of pneumonia. One may wonder if this was a coincidence and whether his death has actually been sufficiently investigated.

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Kary Mullis, Cancel Culture and Covid 19. What was Dr. Karry Mullis’ background and why did he come into conflict with much of the medical and scientific establishment?

#karymullis #karymullispcr #karymulliscovid19

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1. Kary Mullis Biographical: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/1993/mullis/biographical/

2. Dr Kary Mullis – website: https://www.karymullis.com/
3. Kary Mullis – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kary_Mullis
4. Kansas State University – Dr Kary B. Mullis: https://www.k-state.edu/bmb/seminars/hageman/2013-Mullis.html
5. TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/kary_mullis_play_experiment_discover?language=en
Dr Sam Bailey – The Truth About PCR Tests: https://youtu.be/EWNkJUDctdk
6. Kary Mullis correspondence with Trisha & Tommy “The Duke” Morrison – May 7,2013:
7. Virus Mania – 3rd English edition:
8. Kary Mullis – Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, 1998: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48497.Dancing_Naked_in_the_Mind_Field
9. Google TechTalk – September 17 2010: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPETGWDWhNE
10. Off-Guardian – October 5th 2020: https://off-guardian.org/2020/10/05/pcr-inventor-it-doesnt-tell-you-that-you-are-sick/
11. Kary Mullis introduction to “Inventing the AIDS Virus” by Peter Duesberg, 1996: http://www.duesberg.com/viewpoints/kintro.html
12. Nobel Lecture – December 8, 1993: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/1993/mullis/lecture/
13. ABC Australia – Talkback with Professor Greg Dore, 10 August 2020: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lifematters/talkback-%E2%80%94-covid-19-testing/12536006
14. MyNewsLA.com Kary Mullis death – August 8, 2019: https://mynewsla.com/education/2019/08/08/nobel-winner-kary-banks-mullis-who-revolutionized-dna-research-dies-in-o-c/

15. Personal communication with people who knew Kary Mullis but wish to remain anonymous.

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