Segreto bancario = corruzione globale.
Il segreto bancario è l’origine ultima di tutti i grandi problemi globali. Perché il segreto bancario permette di nascondere un infinito di denaro. Questo permette e stimola la corruzione globale al più alto livello. A sua volta, questa corruzione si diffonde e permette tutti gli altri crimini (organizzati) e rende molto difficile perseguirli. Finché esiste il segreto bancario e la sua conseguente corruzione globale, la vera democrazia semplicemente non si mostra. (per le persone che si lamentano della democrazia, non si può veramente valorizzarla a meno che il segreto bancario non scompaia e tutta la corruzione globale con esso)
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Abolire il segreto bancario – ABS
Il segreto bancario consente a singoli individui e organizzazioni di avere conti bancari che non possono essere controllati o seguiti dalle autorità o da chiunque altro. Fondamentalmente permette loro di nascondere il denaro al resto del mondo. È l’esempio per eccellenza della non trasparenza. Gli unici casi pubblicamente noti di utilizzo di conti bancari segreti e di denaro nero sono usi criminali che vanno dalla corruzione politica e altri crimini organizzati all’evasione fiscale.
I casi recenti più noti sono SwissLeaks, LuxLeaks e Panama Papers. Tuttavia, l’ International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) espone più di 30 casi in tutto il mondo.
Tax Justice Network mantiene un elenco aggiornato dei paesi del mondo con i più alti livelli di segreto bancario. Contro la comune convinzione che il paese più segreto non sia la Svizzera, ma l’Inghilterra con le sue (ex)colonie e la sua sede centrale nella City di Londra.
Le colonie inglesi e il segreto bancario vanno di pari passo.
The spider’s web: Britain’s second empire.
La ragnatela: Il secondo impero della Gran Bretagna.
Ulteriori riferimenti
Bank Secrecy (and tax havens) and the Corona Crisis

(traduzione in attesa)
Bank Secrecy => Global Corruption
Global corruption opens the door to organized crime and its many kinds of illegal trafficking, from weapons to drugs and people or animals. Corruption also plays a role in the destruction of nature (Ecocide – one of the main causes of both climate breakdown and the extinction of species), for instance illegal logging, wildlife trade or bushfires.
A quarter of global wealth is hidden by bank secrecy
Up to $ (trillion), roughly a quarter of all global wealth, could be hidden on secret bank accounts in 2010 according to the Tax Justice Network. This is more than enough to end all poverty in the world, to solve the so-called global financial ‘crisis’ and to finance instantly all radical changes that are needed to fight the climate breakdown that the world is already undergoing. Political unwillingness to act for real, not just in words, is the only reason this situation still exists and getting worse. The use of secret bank accounts would have grown exponantionally over the last decade, this could mean that a quarter of global wealth is hidden by Bank Secrecy.
Prosecuted or killed for exposing bank secrecy
The few people who do try to shed light on these matters are being prosecuted, like Hervé Falciani, or even killed. Daphne Caruana Galizi was a journalist who has been brutally murdered by a car bomb in october 2017. She investigating political corruption in connection with money laundring, mafia and trafficking of drugs and oil in Malta, former English colony and tax haven. In fact, Most investigative journalists all over the world who collaborate with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) do their work anonymously to avoid running the same risk.
More References

Observations (NL)
De media moesten eens leren goed en duidelijk onderscheid te maken tussen ‘simpele’ Belasting Paradijzen (zoals trots op de eerste plaats ons lieve Nederland) en het BANKGEHEIM.
In Europese belastingparadijzen Nederland, Ierland, Luxemburg en ook wel België gaat het om legaal geld, meestal van de multinationals, maar wat goed te traceren blijft.
Het “enige” wat ze doen is belasting ontduiken (zij het grootschalig). Het is zelfs legaal bij de (door henzelf gecorrumpeerde) wet of in het ergste geval een “grijs gebied”.
BANKGEHEIM is een heel ander verhaal.
Dat is echt zwart geld wat UIT de maatschappij gesmokkeld wordt en niet meer te traceren is. Dit geld vindt zijn oorsprong én financiert weer ALLE grootschalige corruptie en andere georganiseerde misdaad op wereldschaal en is daarmee ook de bron van al het kwaad:
– beginnen bij wapenhandel en oorlog
– alle drugshandel
– handel in mensen (vluchtelingen)
– handel in vrouwen (sex, prostitutie)
– handel in kinderen
– handel in dieren (jacht op uitstervende soorten, pillen voor chinezen)
– handel in door slavernij gewonnen grondstoffen en edelmaterialen (diamant, maar ook coltan voor JOUW mobiele telefoon)
– alles wat met gokken te maken heeft (Las Vegas, Trump, Monaco, websites…)
– ontbossing (illegaal verbranden of kappen van bomen)
– illegale dump (vervuiling van zee, land en lucht)
De schattingen zijn dat dit zwarte geld een kwart of een derde van het totale wereldkapitaal verbergt. Mij zou het niks verbazen als het zelfs de helft is.
Vroeger was BANKGEHEIM een monopolie van Zwitserland (tweede wereldoorlog). Later is die rol steeds meer overgenomen door die kleine, exotische eilandjes zoals Virgen Islands, Cayman Islands en nog een hele lijst. Tot niet zo lang geleden hoorden in dit rijtje ook: Gibraltar, Malta en Cyprus, maar ook Singapore en Hong Kong.
En guess what? Allemaal Engelse koloniën!!
In fact “the city of London” wordt beschouwd als het wereldwijde neuralgisch centrum van zwart geld en BANKGEHEIM.
Daarom is het ook goed dat Europa van Engeland af is, dan wordt hun invloed op dat gebied alvast wat minder. En nog beter als straks Schotland onafhankelijk wordt van die zogenaamde “United” Kingdom. Niks united! Gewoon Engeland en haar kolonies.
Alle andere benamingen zijn niet anders dan Politiek “Correcte” termen, maw, pure hypocresie.
BANKGEHEIM is DE uiteindelijke oorsprong van zowel de afbraak van de natuur als van de maatschappij over de hele wereld. Dit is absoluut het grootste probleem op wereldschaal.

Related links
(still to be organized)
- Luxembourg, Cyprus, BVI, Seychelles fail tax transparency rules – OECD
Reuters – Fri Nov 22, 2013 - Financial Secrecy Index 2013
“…the United Kingdom with its satellite secrecy jurisdictions would be ranked first in the FSI by a large margin with a FSI score of 2162 or 3170, respectively (compared to 1765 for Switzerland). Note that this list excludes many British Commonwealth Realms where the Queen remains their head of state.”
In other words, the UK essentially “Unites” Tax Havens, time for Scotland to create the first breach! - Bank secrecy masks a world of crime and destruction
- Black money whitening encourages corruption: NHRC
- Wealth doesn’t trickle down, it just flows offshore
- How Swiss Bank Accounts Work (some history on bank secrecy)
- Nederland is een topplek voor belastingontwijking (NL)
- Trillion Dollar Tax Havens, Inequality and Recession… - Bank of Cyprus haircut could reach 60%
- Bank of Cyprus big depositors could lose up to 60%
Bank of Cyprus depositors with more than 100,000 euros (£84,300; $128,200) could lose up to 60% of their savings as part of an EU-IMF bailout restructuring move, officials say. - Cash-starved Cyprus no more tax haven
Finally Cypriots could get into their banks, after two weeks of locked doors. When they reopened, in spite of anger over feelings that their accounts had been held hostage, people were generally calm, Russian television reported on the period of closure. - Shell en ABN Amro hebben meeste postbusfirma’s in belastingvrije landen
Grote Nederlandse multinationals maken massaal gebruik van brievenbusfirma’s in belastingparadijzen als Bermuda, de Bahama’s en de Kaaimaneilanden. De ondernemingen hebben in totaal 237 dochterbedrijven gevestigd in één van de negen belastingvrije landen ter wereld. Shell en ABN Amro hebben veruit de meeste postbusfirma’s. - Global super-rich has between $21 and $32 trillion hidden in secret tax havens (Tax Justice Network – 2010)
- Wealth doesn’t trickle down, it just flows offshore (the Guardian – 2012)
- Tax havens hold $7.6 trillion; 8% of world’s total wealth (BoingBoing 1/1/2016)
- How ISDS threatens tax justice
- Book: Treasure Islands – Nicholas Shaxon
- HSBC whistleblower Falciani says his work is not done: El Mundo
- Whistleblower? Thief? Hero? Introducing the Source of the Data that Shook HSBC (ICIJ)
- Swiss Leaks
- Wealth doesn’t trickle down, it just flows offshore
- G8 summit and tax evasion: what’s really been achieved? –
The Guardian 2013/06/18
Progress at the summit itself was virtually non-existent, with certain G8 countries – like the US – putting up strong resistance to change. A declaration of G8 principles was a windy document that committed the west’s leading industrial nations to do little specific. The G8 Action Plan was similarly weak. The G8 said information on the beneficial ownership of companies could be achieved through central registries. Plenty of wriggle room, there. - G8 deal on tax havens a long way off – The Guardian 2013/06/16
Western leaders are unlikely to deliver anything comprehensive now – but the fact they are discussing the issue is progress.
It is possible that the G8 will agree a deal on tax havens that will be comprehensive, public and provide rich and poor countries alike with access to the same hitherto highly secret information. But not this year. - Francois Hollande call to eradicate tax havens – BBC + video
- Abolish every tax haven in the world – Daily Mail
- Cash-starved Cyprus no more tax haven –
Finally Cypriots could get into their banks, after two weeks of locked doors. When they reopened, in spite of anger over feelings that their accounts had been held hostage, people were generally calm, Russian television reported on the period of closure. (with video) - As Banks in Cyprus Falter, Other Tax Havens Step In
- EU’s six largest members agree to fight tax havens – Reuters 2013/04/12
Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Spain, Britain to tackle evasion
France’s Moscovici says bank secrecy outdated
Austria rejects bank data exchange as offence to privacy rights - Austria slams U.S., UK “tax havens” as EU turns up heat – – Reuters 2013/04/11
Under fire for its banking secrecy, Austria hit back at Britain and the United States on Thursday, urging them to crack down on money laundering and tax havens in their own backyards, as EU ministers prepared to debate the issue in Dublin. - Major EU countries to tackle tax havens
- EU Comissioner: Time to Move ‘Quicker and Harder’ Against Tax Evasion
- British offshore banking under fire in EU tax haven battle
- Hollande pide la erradicación de los paraísos fiscales – El Pais
- Dealing with Taxh Haven & Tax Fraud
For those who do not know what tax havens are, it may come as a surprise that they are considered an important solution in creating a just economy. The sad reality is that this little known industry is one of the greatest enablers for allowing corrupt individuals to hide money from the global public. By their very design, they are created for deception and allow stolen money to remain hidden. Their secrecy is for no other purpose than to hide illicit money stolen from and creating the poor of the world. - UK Tax Avoidance: Hypocritical Consumers Still Drinking at Starbucks and Shopping on Amazon
- How Tax Havens Plunder the Poor
Tax havens have recently become big news, as well as big business. But amidst all the scandals of ministerial Swiss bank accounts and celebrity tax avoiders, there has been much less discussion of the impact of tax havens on the poorest countries in the world.
The public did not really know the facts until recently. The rich and powerful kept the public distracted when stock markets were rising and budgets were full. Yet the tax haven system was eating away at the roots of the world economy, making it increasingly easier for wealthy individuals, corrupt businesses, money launderers, political parties, and of course the ever-more-powerful banks, hedge funds, and multinational companies to protect their profits from taxation.
Something going the right way?
- Switzerland unveils draft laws to dismantle bank secrecy
Financial Times January 14, 2015 6:15 pm