BuddyPress Group – group blog post functionality

BudyPress group has:

  1. Admin / Moderators (or alike)
  2. ‘normal’ members
  • Group Admin and Mods can create and edit group posts
    it’s about real WordPress (blog) posts, not BuddyPress activity stream!
    which plugin?
    BP post status would really have been perfect, but it’s outdated… 🙁
    “Group Post providing a drop-down of available groups to assign the post to.”
    – this BuddyUser plugin? (not sure if it does what is required)
    Associating WordPress Blogs to BuddyPress Groups
    but the associated BuddyPress group blog is outdated too… 🙁 
    – there is also BuddyForms post in groups: 80 €
    – I now just discover ProfileGrid seems quite complete, but no interaction with buddypress it seems, even if does do bbpress…
  • Asign to group, how? by categories or tags?
  • Member can (only) add Photos, videos and their description to the Group blog posts
    if possible photos in photo-gallery/album with lightbox (cannot edit or delete)
  • Members can comment on the Group post and also turn it into a forum topic
  • Group Blog posts can be internally shared on corresponding BuddyPress Group activity stream (automatically?), other groups and outside, of course
  • Group blog posts can be listed with filter by category or tag and can be ordered
    (this should be able to produce something like a timeline for example FFF Milano in piazza)

Acceptable workarounds maybe

Or a whole new system? ProfileGrid – User Profiles, Groups and Communities

– Front end posting (maaaany plugin options…)
– User role abilities (maaany options too)
– image upload from smartphone!! AppPresser 500$/y – Camera

From User Frontend, it could use a “Group base” selection option as well

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