Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
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Subtitles: EN, ES, IT, NL... How do you rate this video? Highlights nothing (yet) Transcript of video nothing (yet) Original description nothing (yet) More... nothing (yet)
Così mi impegno di fare di 'ECODIDIO' un vero e proprio CRIMINE, per il quale si può essere puniti PERSONALMENTE dalla Corte Penale Internazionale dell'Aia.
Sii consapevole che puoi scegliere i tuoi acquisti, non solo per il prodotto, ma anche per il suo imballaggio.
Ik streef mee om van 'ECODIDE' een echt MISDRIJF te maken, waarvoor je PERSOONLIJK kan worden gestraft door het Internationaal Strafhof van Den Haag.
Zoals Banksy schreef op zijn Twitter-account vandaag. Dit enorme probleem van racisme, is niet 'hun probleem'. Het is 'ons probleem'. Wij moeten dit oplossen. Wij moeten er zijn.
The title of this beautiful, emotional epic collection describes, in a certain sense, the situation of our beloved Planet Earth today, this week, this year. Because if we do…
Ondertitels EN, ES, IT, NL Hoe waardeer je deze video? Hoogtepunten nog niks Transcriptie van de video Maar toch, de studies die er nu zijn, waaralle "grote" kranten, zoals jij…
Ondertitels EN, ES, IT, NL Hoe waardeer je deze video? Hoogtepunten nog niks Transcriptie van de video (nog) niks Originele beschrijving (nog) niks Meer... (nog) niks
Dr. Andrew Kaufman lost his job recently because he refused to conform to the ideas that he didn't think were true about COVID-19.
In 2009 the WHO declared a pandemic for the N1H1 virus, swine flu. This turned out to be unfounded. Wolfgang Wodarg was Chairman of European Health Commission in that period and denounced the declaration of that pandemic. Since 2009 he denounces a counterfeit pandemic