Covid-19 pandemic:
PCR-tests, social distancing, face masks, lockdowns, curfews, harsh censorship, crushing of constitutional rights, violence on pacific protestors…
…but most terrifying is mRNA, the global human genetic experiment sold as vaccine.
Really??? Reasonable Doubt
WHO? – Pandemic? – Vaccines? – New Normal? – WHY? – ENOUGH! – Freedom♥
Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, BioNtech, ModeRNA, Johnson & Johnson… in the end they’re all the same.
Search results from VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

One specific case

<– part of the listing of only december, only USA
right-click the image or the link to open in new tab
there, click the image for full size
screenshot could not hold the 1.997 cases
keep in mind that only 1% is reported to VAERS.
Lawyer Reiner Fullmich calls it a crime against humanity
Germany To Launch Legal Action Against Those Responsible For COVID-19 Crisis
A German Investigative Committee is all set to launch a legal action against those responsible for COVID-19 crisis.
Just a few references…
Norway Warns of Vaccination Risks for Sick Patients Over 80
Norwegian officials said 23 people had died in the country a short time after receiving their first dose of the vaccine.
Chinese health experts call to suspend Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine for elderly after Norwegian deaths
Chinese health experts called on Norway and other countries to suspend the use of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines produced by companies such as Pfizer, especially among elderly people, due to the vaccines’ safety uncertainties following the deaths of 23 elderly Norwegian people who received the vaccine…
Corona-Drama in Leipzig: Fast jeder vierte Bewohner eines Seniorenheims tot
Nach einem bisher ungeklärten Corona-Ausbruch in einem Leipziger Altenheim sind innerhalb eines Monats 16 der 70 Bewohner der Einrichtung gestorben. Die Infektionswelle hatte sich kurz nach Beginn der Schutzimpfungen gegen das Virus ausgebreitet, teilte die Stadt am Donnerstag mit.
Infectiegolf na Coronavaccinatie - Verpleegtehuis in Duitsland: “De oude mensen sterven daar als vliegen” - Frontnieuws
Het nieuwsorgaan RT meldt dat na een nog niet opgehelderde uitbraak van Corona in een bejaardencentrum in Leipzig binnen een maand 16 van de 70 bewoners van het verpleegtehuis zijn overleden. De golf van infecties had zich kort na het begin van de vaccinaties tegen het virus verspreid, maakte de sta…
India’s expert panel rejects Pfizer’s application for Covid-19 vaccine
Cites serious adverse events. India has insisted on having a safety and immunogenicity trial in the country.
36 people developed rare blood disorder after covid vaccination
At least 36 people have developed a rare, life-threatening blood disorder, called thrombocytopenia, after receiving either of the two COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the US.
Un hijo denuncia que su padre murió tras recibir la segunda dosis de la vacuna contra el Covid
Salvador Romero, de 84 años, falleció repentinamente por neumonía tras recibir la vacuna de Pfizer. Su hijo culpa a la dosis.
Una persona muere en California al día siguiente de vacunarse, con lo que ya son 149 el total de las personas muertas en EEUU en similares circunstancias - El Diestro
Una persona muere en California al día siguiente de vacunarse, con lo que ya son 149 el total de las personas muertas en EEUU en similares circunstancias.
Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover
Shots generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection
Merck Stops Development of COVID-19 Vaccines
Merck said it’s stopping development of both of its COVID-19 vaccine candidates. The candidates in studies “were generally ...