FFF Milano in Piazza – week 42, Global Climate Strike 3!

Week 42 (+16) – 27/09/2020 see in Piazza timeline
click for larger pictures 🙂

Global Climate Strike III!

  • Milano: 200.000 people out on the streets
  • Italia: one million!
  • Planet Earth: 7 million!!
    in other words, a 0,1% of global population already.
    The other 0,1%!
    It won’t be long before we reach the critical mass….

Change is coming, whether you like it or not.

Fridays For Future Milanoin Piazza” every single friday since 14 December 2018!
– on PIazza della Scala in front of the Palazzo Marino City Hall of Milano
– generally around 12:30 – 14:00.
We will be happy to meet and greet you in piazza! 🙂


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