Trying WP Photo Album Plus

(edit) Trying out Opa Jaap's WP Photo Album Plus, while at the same checking use of this website's funtionality. WP Questions on the fly to Opa Jaap for possible use…

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UPG Blog post tryout

(manually added edit link)UPG WP-post created through: be able to use WP site wide categories and tags -> to create blogsUnfortunately:Only one image at the time, so impossible to create…

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Frontend post with Lightbox!

(manually added: edit page)Wordpress general question: why aren't the most simple and logical things frequently not just standard and default???Frontend content/post creationWP User Frontend (WPUF) The form is really perfect!!…

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POST – WPUF extended form

WPUF ruond 3 (don't remember about the other rounds...   POST/EDIT Input screen is realyl LOVELY!!! exactly how it should be!!Simple, clear and easy (check featured image for nicer thumbnail)…

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WPUF Extended Form 01

This is WPUF 2nd round, Extended formNo-go'sno FRONTEND edit button!!- insert foto has no lightbox! :(Good enough for nowLayout okAllows Featured imageCategory select, tagsfoto 2

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Human Rights – article 1

Article 1.   All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a…

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