Anno Homini 202020!
(EN, ES, IT, NL) "Why not switch to a globally more significant and inclusive way to count the years: Anno Homini! Based on the scientific estimation that Homo Sapiens started to see the light some 200.000 years ago."
(EN, ES, IT, NL) "Why not switch to a globally more significant and inclusive way to count the years: Anno Homini! Based on the scientific estimation that Homo Sapiens started to see the light some 200.000 years ago."
Ecocide moet een misdaad tegen de mensheid zijn! Doe écht iets en meld je nu aan bij StopEcocide om de "nieuwe" norm groen te laten zijn! Bescherm de natuur, het klimaat en onze aarde.
Reducing non-degradable plastics on the planet Three stages can be identified in the reduction of non-degradable plastics, each step a bit closer to eliminating plastic on the Planet, although it…
Just before the beginning of 2020 Urgenda foundation wins the climate case against the very state of the Netherlands, to reduce emission of greenhouse gasses.
Fridays For Future Milano unites every friday in front of the Palazzo Marino city hall of Milano on Piazza Scala around 13:00 - 14:00. Open to anyone who wants to meet and greet :)
Our christmas wishes of 2019 under the christmas tree in the famous Galleria di Milano. This day FFF Milano met Norway and China.