Al momento stai visualizzando Extended Blog post – example 01

Extended Blog post – example 01

This post is both tryout, example and explanation of User Frontend posting with WPUF and UPG.

Frontend Blog post, with collaborative photo album
specifically for groups, to create a series of posts in order to build a timeline kind of listing. Like the FFF Milano’s fridays for example. Development roadmap and checklist.

1) Owner creates Blog page (personal or group)
through WPUF extended form

The form only needs these fields:

  1. Title
    keep in mind SEO and URL (=category/title/)!
  2. Featured image
    – source of thumbnails for social sharing, essential!
    – for telegram (large), wassap and facebook
  3. Category
    for the group or subgroup (check how to organize in WP)
  4. Tag
    for the specific event (eg: week## for FFF timeline – people should agree on what to use)
  5. Rich text editor for main content
    – needs possibility of inline images that should open in a lightbox!
    now using Simple Lightbox, also tried with RLG see here
    – also possibility to directly include  video
    – or video link – also to open in lightbox
    using Simple Lightbox video extension
    WOOO beautiful!! Linked video appears and works in Lightbox gallery together with the pictures!!
  6. Excerpt – optional but good for SEO etc

Several ‘event’ pages together (by category and/or tags) combine to form a something like a “timeline” like this for the group (community, social movement).

(manually added this edit link and button)

2) Possiblity to add images by others (as attached album?)

  • Once this event-page exists, other people of the group should be able to add images to the collective album on that same page
  • Can this be done through WPUF itself?
    Or does it need additional UPG form/list/attach shortcode? in this case can UPG-attach code be inserted automatically at bottom? (check WPUF).
    For now using this option. (Blog post created through WPUF, additional album with UPG-attach) Have to investigate how to (automatically) assign permissions to Owner and Participants (allowed members of the group).

(observation: WPUF text editor does not seem to respect empty line feeds)

(insert inline photo tryout – works well!)

You can write text in between and continue the story.

It’s all very ‘vertical’ 😉
but it should work!

Just some other inline images:

Some further description, explanation or whatever text in between pictures. This is, in fact, the fundamental reason for wanting inline images, not just have them all together at the bottom, except for the photo album itself of course.

Including the the UPG-attach shortcode below, as album and for others of the group to be able to add images (their own photos of this specific ‘event’).

—– NICE!! you can simply continue content also after the photo album part!! (frequently this is not possible because album is just at bottom of page, always! And you don’t want that always.) —–

Checks to improve the procedure:


  1. Create page only by main authors/editors (check/ask WPUF)
    (in reality, simply creation and editing by owner(s))
  2. Possiblity to preselect categories/groups? And thus simplify one step.
  3. Automatically get an EDIT link on the page itself!!! (WPUF – now have to add manually)
  4. Additional rich options in text editor? (strikethrough, headers, text size…)
  5. Check THUMBNAIL for social sharing!!
    The large thumnail for Telegram and, unavoidably, thumbnails for the Zuckerberg sites.
    (works nice and fast with WP SSO core – no conflicts here (yet), in other configurations there were)

ADD IMAGES to album by group members (UPG)

  1. Only available for group (category?) members.
    Don’t see how yet… maybe needs the “Group” plugin?
    For now trying to limit to at least signed in users (still appearing for not signed-ins… have to check UPG permissions)
  2. Multiple file upload (even if limited to for example 4) (ask UPG)
  3. Check possibility to UPG-attach images as WP post instead of UPG post to match site wide categories and tags (in any case: Good Enough For Now)


Permissions situation for not logged in visitors (13/03/11)

  1. Create Blog post:
    WPUF extended form -> “This page is restricted. Please Log in / Register to view this page.”
  2. Edit link for this page: sends to Login
  3. UPG-attach to album
    button appears and allows as not logged in… 🙁
    check permissions with UPG people, or…

YES!! I mistook interpretation of settings.

HUH??? Added image through WP backend edit*
and now does not open in Lightbox???
Have to investigate!!


Adding again from backend “Add Media” button

Vale… forgot “link to media” setting!


*Started to use backend editing for this WPUF page now because the “edit period” had expired. Changed settings but keeps on telling it’s expired. Have to look into it.


(manually added this edit link and button)

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