Es real el covid-19? Una teoría para entenderlo todo (ES) No estamos confinados a causa del virus. Estamos confinados a causa de lo que nos han CONTADO sobre el virus. Cómo valoras este video? Fácil de entender? 0 Importante? 0 Urgente? 0 Credibilidad? 0 Aprendiste de él? 0 Media Rate this post 🙂 [Total: 0 Average: 0] 4 anni ago/ 167 views You may also like If the police say NO! politicians are impotent. Harold Lichtman at James Corbett. (EN►NL) 33 views Corona Crisi,Mondiale If the police say NO! politicians are impotent. Harold Lichtman at James Corbett. (EN►NL) Un vaccino affidabile? – Pfizer 20. Ottobre 2020 – The Mirror Project 8 views Corona Crisi,Plandemic,un secondo parere,vacini Un vaccino affidabile? – Pfizer 20. Ottobre 2020 – The Mirror Project The COVID Vaccine Is Here And So Are Potential Side Effects. 33 views Corona Crisi,vacini The COVID Vaccine Is Here And So Are Potential Side Effects. The PCR song! (2008) By Scientists for better PCR. 51 views un secondo parere,Corona Crisi,Kary Mullis The PCR song! (2008) By Scientists for better PCR. You are being conditioned! Happy with that? – Amazing Polly 58 views 8 – Salute,Corona Crisi,vacini You are being conditioned! Happy with that? – Amazing Polly Do NOT take this vaccine! Warning from more than 20 international doctors. 152 views un secondo parere,Andrew Kaufman,Corona Crisi,Dolores Cahill,Personalità,vacini Do NOT take this vaccine! Warning from more than 20 international doctors. Kary Mullis su Fauci: “Non sa niente di niente in realtà…” (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL) 97 views 2 - Libertà di parola,8 – Salute,Anthony Fauci,Corona Crisi,Kary Mullis,un secondo parere,vacini Pandemic?,PCR Kary Mullis su Fauci: “Non sa niente di niente in realtà…” (EN►EN/ES/IT/NL) Miguel Jara, el negocio de las vacunas: papiloma humano, gripe A y ébola (ES) 25 views Corona Crisi,vacini Miguel Jara, el negocio de las vacunas: papiloma humano, gripe A y ébola (ES) Tamponi inaffidabili (IT►EN/ES/IT/NL) – il Codacons presenta esposto a nove procure in Sicilia 17 views Corona Crisi,un secondo parere Tamponi inaffidabili (IT►EN/ES/IT/NL) – il Codacons presenta esposto a nove procure in Sicilia Reiner Fuellmich and Wolfgang Wodarg lawsuit against “FactCheckers” and force them to prove legitimacy of PCR tests 98 views 2 - Libertà di parola,un secondo parere,Corona Crisi,Reiner Fuellmich,Wolfgang Wodarg Pandemic?,PCR Reiner Fuellmich and Wolfgang Wodarg lawsuit against “FactCheckers” and force them to prove legitimacy of PCR tests The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory, it’s your future. If you allow them… – Amazing Polly 70 views Corona Crisi,NWO New Normal?,The Great Reset The Great Reset is not a conspiracy theory, it’s your future. If you allow them… – Amazing Polly The Great Reset, Highwire – Del Bigtree talks with James Corbett (EN►EN/NL) 77 views Corona Crisi,Mondiale,NWO Fourth Industrial Revolultion,Klaus Schwab,New Normal?,The Great Reset The Great Reset, Highwire – Del Bigtree talks with James Corbett (EN►EN/NL) «1…56789…23»Page 7 of 23 Lascia un commento Annulla rispostaDevi connetterti per pubblicare un commento.