Processed banana leafs, an eco-friendly packaging solution
In Asia, banana leaves have always been used for food packaging. But they quickly deteriorate. They have been overtaken by plastics, that now often clog the waterways and pollute the oceans. An young Indian inventor has managed to process banana leaves to a packaging material that keeps it properties for three years. And it is perfectly biodegradable. (source)
Banana Leaf Preservation Technology
Naturally, leaves and most biomaterials degrade within a shelf lifespan of three days and are discarded as waste. Banana leaf technology is a cellular eco-friendly technology that preserves leaves and organic biomaterials for a year without the use of any chemicals. This technology enhances the leaves’ physical properties thus making a viable biodegradable material alternative to both plastic and paper. Read more on the official site originally wanted to offer just one or two videos to illustrate the actual use of banana-leafs as packaging in some asian supermarkets. But then we also found videos about harvesting them, how to fold them, how to preserve them and then we went bananas! 😉 Anway, you can skip to any video with the slider below.
We included the messages of Sir David Attenborough, Harrison Ford, Greta Thunberg and Polly Higgins (StopEcocide), just to remember what this is all about: the reduction of non-degradable plastic for healthy oceans, climate, nature and planet.
Banana leaves in Europa
- Tapari (UK)
In november 2019 Tapari seems the only company (left) in Europa that sells banana leaves products,
- Leaf Republic (DE)
They looked promising when they started in 2016 but apparently have disappeared in 2018 with a last post on their FB page in june. According to their Kickstarter page, updated for the last time 9 june 2017, Leaf Republic’s aproach was beautiful:
We focus on food packaging and one-way dishes. Our claim: outdoor tableware has to be fully renewable and fully biodegradable. After years of designing, prototyping and testing, we’ve succeeded.
Our disposable tableware is made of nothing but leaves – leaves that regrow three times a year and degrade in every household’s compost.
More banana 😉
Banana peels for bio-plastic?
A 16 anni inventa la bioplastica fatta con le bucce di banana -
Dalle bucce di banana si può produrre la plastica. Ancora una volta le idee per migliorare il pianeta rivolgendo lo sguardo a soluzioni sostenibili vengono proposte dai più piccoli. Elif Belgin, 16enne di Istanbul, un bel giorno ha pensato che le bucce di questo gustoso frutto, invece di finire nell…
Historical banana background
Beyond the Seal
A web documentary about Fair Trade bananas and the people behind a movement to change the banana industry.
🍌 El supermercado que cambia el embalaje plástico por hojas del plátano
Una genial estrategia para reducir plásticos de un sólo uso
Un supermercado usa hojas de plátano para reemplazar los envases de plástico
Los supermercados usan el plástico para envolverlo todo, e incluso se suele ver a frutas y verduras envueltas en papel film. En los últimos años existe u
07/2019 - Foglie di banano come packaging, negozi plastic free e prodotti sfusi: tutte le novità della lotta alla plastica - Il Fatto Alimentare
La lotta alla plastica continua e si arricchisce di nuove idee. In Asia sta prendendo piede la soluzione forse più originale: foglie di banano per impacchettare frutta e verdura. L’ideatore della confezione eco-compatibile e garantita senza pesticidi, sembra essere stato il supermercato Rimping a Chiang Mai, in Tailandia.
In questi supermercati si usano foglie di banana al posto della plastica
Imballaggi per frutta e verdura realizzati con le foglie di banana in Thailandia e Vietnam
Foglie di Banana Lunghe Fresche: Acquista Online
Tipiche dei paesi asiatici, le foglie di banano si possono utilizzare per contenere i tuoi alimenti. Acquista online su FruttaWeb.
A 16 anni inventa la bioplastica fatta con le bucce di banana -
Dalle bucce di banana si può produrre la plastica. Ancora una volta le idee per migliorare il pianeta rivolgendo lo sguardo a soluzioni sostenibili vengono proposte dai più piccoli. Elif Belgin, 16enne di Istanbul, un bel giorno ha pensato che le bucce di questo gustoso frutto, invece di finire nell…
Bananenbladeren als verpakking: een oplossing voor de ‘plasticsoep’?
Thaise supermarkten dragen hun steentje bij tot het milieu. Ze gebruiken bananenbladeren als groente- en fruitverpakking. Op die manier wordt de ‘plasticsoep’ die ronddrijft in onze oceanen ingeperkt. Momenteel gaat het om zo’n 150 miljard kilogram plastic, een cijfer dat jaar na jaar stijgt.
‘Wil u een zakje?’ Nee, een bananenblad graag - Greenpeace
Soms is het eenvoudig ingewikkeld. Neem nu de Thaise supermarkt die overal in het nieuws komt met een revolutionaire manier om groenten te verpakken: in bananenbladeren. Jarenlang onderzoek naar biologisch…