Al momento stai visualizzando Web 2020 development priorities

Web 2020 development priorities

Last things to do for “Good Enough For Now”

  • Avoid the double and triple lightboxes – DONE!
    de-activate WP Ocean incorporated lightbox (how to do)
    stop Simple Lightbox opening over UPG lightbox (how to)
  • Security
  • Translations!!
  • SEO – Yoast… ok 2020 Priorities

    Social sharing WITH thumbnail is essential (humans are visual!)
    the big thumbnail in Telegram and the ones for Watsap, FB, maybe WordPress sites?…
    WPSSO: works fantastic on, totally sucks on
    WHY? Aardvark, Youzer, WPbakery incompatible??
    Seemed to work, but there were conflicts between SSO and Yoast
    SSO apparently needs specific thumbnail URL defined, is not automatically Featured Image
    this very page hadn’t and no thumbnails appeared
    de-activated SSO – Yoast seems to do the job (now this page has thumnails!)
  2. Frontend User BLOG Posting
    (Europa · is fundamentally about participant’s content)
    including Frontend user editing and deletion
    also Featured image!
    – Covered with WPUF: nice! I like it – however check file size limit!! Mobile photos can be up to 4MB
    User Post Gallery (UPG): maybe, but needs ‘coding’ (not so good for post, for galleries great!)
    AccessPress Anonymos post: no good! no editing
  3. Frontend user image/gallery posting:
    Several user’s image(s) upload to same gallery for, for example group timelines
    (pre)select Category, option of tags! (define album)
    Covered with User Post Gallery (UPG): really really nice!
    unfortunately gives error on upload and duplicate thumbnails in WP media
    maybe Aardvark, Youzer, WPbakery incompatible??
    else: hope developer can solve
    SOLVED changing configuration/structure – Good Enough For Now!
    rtMedia: works, kind of… – needs fixed references per album, that is: for each (album)page!
    maybe can be solved with a form and category select option, tag field???
  4. Frontend user video (gallery)
    All In One Video Gallery: works nice! Good Enough For Now 🙂
    see for example: People
  5. Translations!!
    Treat participants as much as possible in their own language!
    (huge preference for human translation!)
  6. Emulate FB
    For those who don’t know better… 😉
    – BuddyPress, obviously

First this basic functionality, else it doesn’t even make sense to have a good working system…


  1. Backup
    Duplicator, Updraft, by server???
  2. Security: spam, hackers, attacks and stuff…
    Akismet, Jetpack, Wordfence, Google re-captcha…. ¿?¿?¿¿
    For this there are so many options, many of which I don’t (fully) understand. Some seem to overlap…
  3. Optimize speed
    WPoptimize, Autoptimize, Smush, Jetpack (again?)
    Confusing too!
  5. Social share and login
    for thumbnails: WPSSO, Yoast
    for the rest… the whole list at WP
    maybe Social Media Share and Nextend Social Login ?
  6. Rating & Polling
    for greater user interaction and PUBLIC user statistics/graphics!
    WP Rating plugins
    tried: Rate my post, YASR, KK, Multirating (?), Rating-Widget (don’t remember which)
    WP Poll plugins
    tried: Responsive, YOP, Opinion Stage, WP-polls, WP poll, Epoll, Poll Maker, Crowd Signal, Democracy!
  7. SEO
    Yoast, RankMath, SEO Press…
  8. More funcionality, using
    Redirection, Visual Link Preview,
  9. More functionality, investigate
    Events, Forms, Custom Related Post (manual!), Reusable content, Country blocker, broken links, cookies, privacy…


  1. User-friendly and simple
  2. Mobile first!! Adaptive
  3. Lightbox for images, galleries and videos!!
  4. Breadcrumbs

Promotion and marketing

  1. Preferibly good old mouth to mouth
  2. Social sharing and marketing, good thumbnails are essential
  3. SEO less priority, no products to sell
    rather people entering because they KNOW, not because they search
  4. Press


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