Week 42 (+16) – 27/09/2020 see in Piazza timeline
click for larger pictures 🙂
Global Climate Strike III!
- Milano: 200.000 people out on the streets
- Italia: one million!
- Planet Earth: 7 million!!
in other words, a 0,1% of global population already.
The other 0,1%!
It won’t be long before we reach the critical mass….
Change is coming, whether you like it or not.
Nessun record
Fridays For Future Milano “in Piazza” every single friday since 14 December 2018!
– on PIazza della Scala in front of the Palazzo Marino City Hall of Milano
– generally around 12:30 – 14:00.
We will be happy to meet and greet you in piazza! 🙂
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