Al momento stai visualizzando UPG Blog post tryout

UPG Blog post tryout

  • Articolo pubblicato:11/03/2020
  • Autore dell'articolo:
  • Categoria dell'articolo:Blog
  • Commenti dell'articolo:0 commenti

(manually added edit link)

UPG WP-post created through:
to be able to use WP site wide categories and tags -> to create blogs


  • Only one image at the time, so impossible to create an album
  • and maybe it’s not even a Featured Image
    essential to get thumbnails for social sharing
  • But more importantlly also no inline images
    essential for people to even want to create a blog post

If this could be solved it would really be perfect!

Anyway, trying all possible work-arounds, but it’s boring, difficult, long and should be not necessary.

So, just to be able to add more pictures afterwards, even if (again) only one at the time I manually include the upg-attach shortcode. Could this maybe be done automatically through custom fields?
Ow shoot… but attach uses the UPG categories and tags… Why does everything have to be so complicated?

Unfortunately there are more problems:

  • after saving, no jump to newly created page…
    one has to search for it
    or the pages has to have the “recent pages” widget included somewhere
    but it’s not user friendly
    (although after editing and viewing several times, suddenly this link appeared next to the first “Unfortunately:”, was it automatically created by UPG? and why wasn’t it there before? View post )
  • but worse, when going to the page, it turned out that the text wasn’t even saved!
    I included this text again, but now through normal WP backend editing, not good 🙁
  • And now I wonder, can editing be done from the frontend?
    This is essential too: not nice for people to edit in backend and I don’t even want them to go there.

Oh wow, now I see that the uploaded picture IS the featured image!!
Great, that seems to be a first problem solved! 🙂

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